submitted by Lois Lumbra

Sunday, September 8: The sun is shining after showers throughout the night and is 50 degrees F. this morning. John Gorton led our Methodist Sunday Church Service. His sermon was entitled “How Shall We Then Live.” Sandy Bowman read Psalms 125 and Lois read from the book of Proverbs. Let’s all pray for sunshine this week so John and other farmers can get their hay crops in.

An upcoming Coming Event, sponsored by the Montgomery Historical Society and Friends of the Library: Jazz Concert at Pratt Hall on September 13th, at 7 pm, featuring Jon McBride ‘Big Easy, New Orleans Style Concert’ with all band led by saxophonist Jon McBride. Our community percussionist, Jacob Rucusin, will be included in the band. Tickets are $15 at the door.

The new Food Pantry and Thrift Shop opened this week. Saturday, I stopped in and was amazed at how many things they had collected already. I wish them the best as Tosca told me the people needed it. A reminder that this shop is for the Community and donating nice things will be gratefully appreciated by all those involved.

My nieces, Pamela Harris and Priscilla Hammond came by on Saturday afternoon. We enjoyed visiting on the front porch in the nice sunny weather and getting acquainted with Pam’s handsome, well-behaved German Shepherd dog, Bentley. Pamela and her husband, Scott, have found a wonderful dog that they adopted into their lives and brought with them from Florida. Bentley is so gentle with everyone who comes to their home for a visit or wherever they take him.

Happy Birthday to Armand Auclair, Zachary Kolva, 9/15;  Roberta Baker, Kristina Bowen 9/17; Skylar Paradee 9/18; Zina Houle 9/19; Caitlin Smith 9/20; Debby Malloy, Joanne Lanphear, Landen Ryea, Misty McCartney 9/21.

Anniversary Wishes to Charlie & Annie Purrier 9/15. 

Chuckles for the week: 1.) Do you know the secret to a happy marriage? No, it’s a secret!  2.) Love is like a toothache, it does not show up on an x-ray, but you know it’s there.  3.) Q: What do bus drivers eat on their sandwiches? A: Traffic Jam. 4.) Q: Why did the teacher wear sunglasses in class? A: She had bright students.

That’s all for this week. We’ve had a nice week with good weather although today has been windy and cold. I had to put the furnace on. It got cloudy and was raining a short time ago. Upcoming, the weather prediction is for another nice week, enjoy!

Love to All

