Submitted by Lois Lumbra

October 5: On Saturday I gathered with my extended family at the Lucky Buffet in St. Albans for a farewell meal with 12 family members and a friend. My niece Barbara Tromblay invited everyone to her house in Fletcher for dessert. My niece, Pamela, and Scott Harris were saying their adieus and nephew Steve Courville and his sweetheart Sue will be leaving the St. Albans area for their new residence in Hickory NC.  It was truly a wonderful time for all of us.  In attendance were Lois’ daughters Veronica &  Penny, nephew Steve Courville & Sue; Pamela & Scott Harris; Priscilla Hammond, her daughter Brittany and her daughter Ayva; Barbara Tromblay, Marlene Corse, and friend Donna Kingsley. God Bless them as they travel and keep safe.

October 6: Sunday, our Church service was led by Merle Van Gieson with his sermon entitled “Satan’s Power.” Patrick Evans read the Scripture Readings, Sandy Bowman shared the Joys and Concerns, and Lois assisted with Communion.

Catherine O’Neal tells me that her youngest brother Eugene Alt, of Deleware, passed away on September 30, 2024 while attempting to fix the side of his house. Eugene was 91 years of age. He was married to Kate’s friend, Barbara, for 72 years. They were married at the age of 19. Sincere sympathy to Kate and her family.

Gila Domina has enjoyed visits from her son Dexter and a family friend David McCormack from Maine. Also, her daughter Ruth and husband Jim Smith visit ­weekly Gila.

We have had several people from out of state this week visiting and taking pictures of the Fall foliage, which has changed fast. The leaves that are falling are all dried up and walking through them sounds like I was walking on corn flakes. Saturday when coming home from the Post Office there was a car pulled over near the sidewalk. There was a lady sitting in the car who said, “Good Morning, what a beautiful place it is here.” Her husband was taking a picture of the covered bridge. They were from California, had gone to Montreal and were going to Conneticut on their way back to NY to fly back home this week.   

Klaus Voos was back in town from Germany to prepare a box to send more of his personal belongings to his new apartment in Germany. He is staying a few days with John and Sharon Youland while here. He stopped by and we had a visit. Yes, he misses his home and friends here in town, but he will be closer to his son and sister in Germany.   

Upcoming events: September 12: Mini Market featuring some Farmers’ Market vendors on the Montgomery Historical lawn starting at 9:30 am for one last hurrah.

Happy Birthday to: Paul Fernand 10/14; Faith Reed 10/15; Sadie Smith 10/19.

Anniversary wishes to: Merle & Linda Van Gieson 10/17.

Chuckles for the week:

•Q: What’s the king of all school supplies?  A: A ruler.
• Q: Why did the tree worry it wouldn’t get its leaves back in the Spring? A: It couldn’t be-leaf it.
• Q: What kind of vest should you wear in the Fall? A: Har-vest.

This afternoon while we were riding on a back road enjoying the scenery, the trees were beautiful as the sun was shining on them. Later the breeze came up and it was cold!

Have a nice week. Take care and stay well.

Love to all, LL

