by Lois Lumbra

Here I am writing the last column for 2023 on the last day of the year. For some of us, it has been a difficult year.

12/21: I hope everyone had a MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS, we did. Penny planned a dinner that we put together for Veronica and her family to enjoy. No one went away hungry. It did seem weird to us Vermonters to have a green Christmas instead of a snowy one.

12/27: I accompanied Penny with her friends for lunch at the Phoenix House 1835 restaurant, in West Berkshire, where we all enjoyed one another’s friendship.

12/28: Veronica and her friend, Barbara Burns, went to Bernie’s Restaurant for a Christmas luncheon and exchange of gifts, and afterward she stopped in for a short visit.

12/29: Penny has adopted two kittens from a lady in St. Albans who does cat rescue. She received a call early on Friday that she could pick up her kitty, which turned into two kitties. There were several kittens all playing and having a great time. Penny thought how cute they all were wrestling and playing and by taking just one, he would be lonesome, so he would need a playmate. She was right and they are great entertainers. Penny now has Benny and Sunny.

Friday night as I saw the snow coming down, they seemed like the biggest flakes I have ever seen. I went out on the porch to watch the snow covering the ground and road in seconds, it was a beautiful, amazing snow shower. I mentioned this to Maggie who agreed.

Today our Church service was led by Merle Van Gieson, with his message entitled “Be Fruitful.”

Sandy Bowman shared that she traveled to Maine to spend Christmas with her daughter Jill and her family. She was almost at her destination of their home when she suddenly had a flat tire. Luckily there was room to pull into a Church parking lot. The fellows came outside to help and her son-in-law and grandson came to help as well. Later on, Sandy and Jill attended their Christmas Service. She is back home safe and sound, however, she did purchase four new tires to return home on.

Happy Birthday wishes to Mike Dessous, Taylor Soule, Robert Gendron III 1/11/24; and Sue Cherrier 1/13/24.

Chuckle of the Week:

• Q: What is a New Year’s Resolution?

A: Something that goes in one year and out the other.

• I’m going to stay up this New Year’s Eve, not to bring in the New Year but to make sure this one leaves.

• Some Astronauts wanted to have a New Year’s Party on the moon, but they didn’t PLANET in time.  

Hope you enjoy the jokes, I did.   HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!


