MONTGOMERY NEWS, week of MARCH 17, 2024

by Lois Lumbra

3/17: I have Country music on, and the MC just said, “Look at the sunshine, it’s such a beautiful world today.” Well, would you believe the sun is trying to come out, just MAYBE!!

Today, our Church service was led by lay leader John Gorton. During our Prayers and Concerns, a Thank You letter from Rev. Bob Purvee was read. We invite him to surprise us and come and join us when he feels up to it. We bonded well with him; we all enjoyed his presence and sincerely thank him for filling in as our part-time pastor.

3/11: The past week started with a snowstorm, with parts of Montgomery accumulating 10-15 inches of snow. The area schools were closed, as the back roads are already bad with all the mud. I was talking with Mrs. Doyle on Black Falls Road who jokingly remarked we should rename our town to Mudgomery. Penny and I took 21 packages from UPS this past week for people as UPS has had a difficult time delivering. The people we took for were all thankful and came and picked up their orders. We are all accustomed to traveling out in the mud but the UPS truck could not take those chances.

3/12: The 500 Card Club met at Sue Wilson’s before noon, as they like to start at noon time. Sue had prepared a veggie platter, sliced fruits, chips, cookies, and cold drinks. During the afternoon play, I heard many times, “Where are the good hands today?” It seemed that 6 was the big bid, although there were a few players who had good bids. When it was time to add the scores, Therese Begnoche had a high of 3560; the second high was Carmen Scott at 3130; the low was Lois Lumbra at 1170, who played for Linda Van Gieson; Sue Peters had 6 horses. Subs were Sandy Brown who played for Anita Woodward, and Kathy Ross who played for Sue Cheerier. Nancy Martinson will host the April gathering.

3/14: Therese Begnoche picked up Connie McFarland, Sue Peters, and yours truly, LL, to attend the St. Patrick’s Dinner at the Dairy Center. We go early to visit and listen to the good Country music by “Deuce’s Wild.” I enjoy these meals to be with my friends and my niece, Melissa, who comes to join us. Before returning home, we did a few errands in the Village of Enosburg.

3/14: Penny and I attended Lorraine St. Onge’s afternoon visiting hours at Goss Funeral Home in Enosburg Falls. We shared our grief with the family who had been our neighbors for years. The St. Onge children and my children are nearly the same age, now all grown and some continue to live here in town.

3/15: Today was the funeral for Lorraine, held at Pratt Hall, with (retired) Rev. Bill Neil officiating, and musician Patrick Evans. The eulogies were by her daughter Donna St. Onge and granddaughter Brooke Boissonneault. Burial was completed at the Montgomery Village Cemetery, with Rev. Neil. Thankfully the burial was held according to their plans as Randy plowed the road, up to the Cemetery, allowing the warmer weather to melt the snow and dry the hill. Due to the grounds being very soft, only the family went up to the cemetery for the burial. God bless you all. The family welcomed the guests to feast with them at the American Legion in Enosburgh where the meal was catered by Lise Gates of the Dairy Center.

Looking ahead, Elliot Cluba will be hosting “Family Fire Skills” at the Community Art Center on April 7th at 2 pm, including a  Community Potluck.

Happy Birthday to Allen Baker,  Gordon Rainville 3/26; Darren Drevik, Hudson Vallender 3/27; and Nancy Lumbra 3/30.

Chuckles for the week:

• Q: Why don’t you iron four leaf clovers? A: Because you don’t want to press your luck.

• Q: How is a best friend like a four leaf clover? A: They are hard to find and lucky to have.

• I went out drinking on St. Patrick’s Day, then I took a bus home. That might not be a big deal to you, but I have never driven a bus before.

• Q: What would you get if you crossed St. Patrick’s Day with Christmas? A: St. O’ Claus!!  

That will be all with the Irish jokes for this year. I hope everyone has enjoyed their corned beef and cabbage, we did!!!  

it sounds like a good upcoming sugaring week, Jesse Soule says it’s been a good year for him.

Have a nice week. Love to all of you. Yes, the sun has peeked out. ML

