by Lois Lumbra

Maggie was leaving town on Monday morning and turned around on Comstock Bridge Road to come to my house and ask me to go with her. Although I was up and doing morning chores, I quickly grabbed my purse to go with Maggie to St. Albans. We were off in no time and back home before 10:30 am. 

Long-time friends Barbara Burns and my daughter, Veronica, got together for a long walk in a forest in Johnson where Veronica walks daily with her two dogs. They had an amazing few hours catching up with each other’s lives.

Tuesday, Morgan East stopped by to pick up a book that Veronica had dropped off to give to Morgan. However, the last time Veronica was here she noticed the book was still here and she took it to Barbara B. to read. These ladies do lots of reading and often exchange books. Morgan stayed for lunch and we had a wonderful visit. She mentioned her cat Linus who had caught a Blue Jay. The Blue Jay family became angry at the cat and several of them tried to peck him. Those birds NEVER forgot him, even as years went by, those birds never let Linus have a nice day outside. I remember the Swallows that built their nests under the eves of our cow barn and my brother and I broke a nest. Those birds flew at us, sounding like they were saying “You did, you did.”  Yes, we did.  

Thursday, May 9th, the Dairy Center held a Mother’s Day Brunch for all local Mothers. I attended with friends from Town, Therese Begnoche, Connie McFarland, Denise Baker, and Sue Peters. My sister-in-law, Roberta Martin, our niece Melissa Tice, and her daughter Kaitlyn joined us. Melissa had prepared strawberries dipped in chocolate and some rolled in nuts, to share with the people at our table. Her treats are always delicious. I brought some home to share with Maggie E., Judy at the Post Office, and Penny.

May 12: It is finally Sunday, Mother’s Day. Our Church Service was led by John Gorton, who shared his message entitled “The Ascension.” John read an email I had received many years ago as a devotional entitled “God Made a Woman.” It was an appropriate day to read it. Instead of flowers for all Mothers, I found small decorated cupcakes to share with them.  

After leaving Church I noticed a car near my home. As I got closer I noticed the vehicle had Connecticut registration plates, thinking it might be my grandson from Massachusetts. Once I opened the door and stepped inside it was my children who shouted, “Happy Mother’s Day, Mom,” I was totally and happily surprised even if I knew Dale was planning to come up and meet us at the Cajun Snack Bar in Lowell. We arrived a little after 11 am and discovered the Snack Bar wasn’t taking orders at this time, as their propane tank was very low. Although they had called for immediate delivery, it might be an hour or longer before they would take orders. Seeing it was raining and pretty cool to be outside, Veronica phoned places in the Morrisville area and found My Two Sons, in Hyde Park, who accepted our party of seven. When we walked in, we were welcomed by our dear neighbor, Maggie Elkins, and her two children Kelly and Clay, and granddaughter Emma.  It was a wonderful surprise for all of us. By the way, the Connecticut registration plate was a rental car that Dale drove up with.

Happy Birthday to Matt Tryhorne 5/19; Syrus Gendron 5/22; Billy Baker Jr., Wyatt Stanley 5/23; Frank Elkins, Kay Kuryloski 5/24; Ashley Cota, and 5/25 Drew Boissonneault, who will be one.

Chuckles for the week:

Q: What did the baby corn say to Mama Corn? A: Where’s Pop Corn?

Q: What are the three quickest ways to spread a rumor? A: Internet, then telephone and tell your someone!

Q: Ever heard of a job that requires no experience, gives no training, pays nothing, and you can’t quit? A: That’s Motherhood!

I hope everyone has made their mother feel special today and had a wonderful day, I did!!!

Have a wonderful week. It looks like more showers are coming our way.

Love to all, LL  

