by Lois Lumbra

Last week had been a week of many happenings, and now a new week begins. It looks like a nice week coming our way with warmer temps.

I received word this week that Ellen Coolidge passed away in April. She lived part-time on West Hill and worked in Canada. The family of Dee Pratt came for a graveside burial on May 18th. Although she passed away in 2022 this was the time scheduled for the family to come and lay her to rest. God bless these families mentioned.

From the wild sightings this week: Penny and I were heading to Enosburg Tuesday afternoon and as I was looking for deer sightings in the pastures in Berkshire, Penny swerved to avoid hitting a huge turtle that was in the road. On our return trip, a large hawk was coming in for a landing here in town. Friday morning around 4 am my cat, named Hunter or BoyBoy, wanted to go outside. There must have been a fox in the driveway because suddenly there was such a loud noise from a fox that it seemed the cat might have perhaps woken the neighbors. Penny spotted sightings of a fox as it continued down the street. Hunter came right back up on the porch. A few years ago, Sonny witnessed a fox who had started to come into the yard and Hunter chased it away.

May 18th: My niece, Melissa Tice, hosted a 75th birthday celebration for her mother, Diane Corse, and invited many of Diane’s co-workers, her neighbors, family members, and her Church family. My sister-in-law, Roberta Martin, picked Penny and me up at 10 am and we were off to Johnson to pick up Veronica, then proceeded to the Waterbury Center Community Church. I took my casserole in to have it warmed up for our dinner. Melissa had decorated the Center with lots of flowers and Happy Birthday banners. There was pizza, many casseroles, fruits, sliced meats, rolls, cupcakes, and cake. There was no lack of food and a wonderful birthday party celebration filled with so much love for her mother.

I met Debbie Lavigne, who attends this Waterbury Center Community Church, who graciously gave me a tour of the building. It was completed in 1833 and has been remodeled throughout the years. It was so huge and so different from our little Montgomery church. It has a brick siding, similar to ours, and they have a small congregation as we do here in Montgomery. They do not have a Pastor and use lay leaders as we do.

As she handed me a pamphlet about the Church’s history, I sincerely appreciated her kindness in taking the time to share about her church. I know the feeling well. I have attended the United Methodist Church here for years and I love to take people in and show them around, as we take good care of our Church and share about its history.

Today, Sunday, May 19th, John Gorton from Sheldon led our service for Pentecost. Thanks to lay speakers John and Merle for all their gifted time in leading such wonderful Church services.

Our morning started rather cool, and a sweater felt good. I still need my sweater on here in my igloo. We don’t have all the doors fixed up yet, as Penny has two kittens and does not want them outside because we live so close to the main road. They are growing up fast and so full of life, little mischief characters.  Linda Elkins said to get a water bottle to squirt at them when you want them to behave. The one we call Sunny loves water and when he got squirted he came back for more. He washes his feet in the water bowl, he has a little toy he puts in the water and shakes it all around. He also loves the plants and the dirt. They keep life interesting.

Happy Birthday to Paul Chauvin, 5/26; Gunner Hess 5/27; Jim Esty 5/29; George Locher 5/31.

Anniversary Wishes to Scott & Sharon Perry 5/28; Mark & Wendy Brouillette 5/30.

Chuckles for the week:

Q: What’s the best place to plant flowers at a school? A: Kindergarten class.

Q: Did you hear about the flowers that went on a date? A: It was a Budding romance.
Q: What’s Mama Bear’s favorite baseball team? A: The Cubs.

This is all folks.
Wishing you all a blessed week.  Love To All! LL

