THE MONTGOMERY NEWS, week of MAY 26,2024

by Lois Lumbra

The 500 Card Club for May that was played at the home of Sue Peters. The afternoon scores were as follows, high score Brent Godin  3630; the second high was Denise Baker 2750;  low score was Debbie Chauvin  1320; and four horses went to Anita Woodward. A wonderful afternoon was enjoyed by everyone. The June gathering will be held at Carmen Scott’s home on 6/11/24.

May 26: Our Church Service was led by lay speaker Merle Van Gieson. We are having a beautiful sunny cool day. During our Joys and Concerns, I requested that we sing Happy Birthday to my son Dale.

Today is a good day to be outside. Penny is planting her garden. It’s almost lunchtime, we will have pizza today, something good and quick. My igloo is really cool today, we have the back screened door open so the air flows through.

The two kittens have a full run through the house, up and down. They had a tiring day on Saturday chasing a huge fly that got inside and they did not stop until the fly met its demise. Our Church Service got out a few minutes early today and our friend and church organist, Patrick Evans stopped in to meet the kitties, Benny and Sunny. They were quiet and observing. 

Elsie Saborowski was asking who would take leftover lawn sale items. The locals said it’s hard to get rid of clothing and it was recommended to put clothes in the needy barrels in Burlington.  

This afternoon was clean up time at the Grange Hall after last night’s People’s Prom, May 25th. A few ladies were sitting outside under the tree at the Grange Hall, I introduced myself. Nicole Woodworth, a Prom Committee worker, jumped to her feet and said, “Lois, I have wanted to meet you!” She gave me a neat poster, MONTGOMERY PROM 2024 “Birds of a Feather Flock Together,” featuring live music by MAL MAIZ. The doors opened at 9 pm and the place filled up with the people coming for their PROM. This has been a tradition for years and many thought last year’s prom was the last one, however, a committee wanted to keep it alive as so many truly enjoyed this special evening of the People’s Prom. My nieces from Massachusetts have loved to come to this event every May. Thanks to all who worked on this successful, memorable event.

May 24: The blue tarp was removed from my leaky chimney. The old chimney has been taken down and new roofing will be put up on a later day.

May 25: Miss Drew Boissonneault enjoyed her first birthday party with family and friends here at their home in the Village.

Happy Birthday to Silas Mullin  6/2;  Emma Bott, Marty Vallender 6/3;  Jimbo Schley 6/5; Ingrid Presler, Ann Kneten 6/6; Tyler Barnes, Sue Peters, Gabriel Gendreau 6/8.

Anniversary Wishes to Mike & June Abramowitz, Isaiah & Kristen Fletcher 6/2; Keith & Kara Godfrey 6/5; Mike & Denise Mercy,  Larry & Tina Kneen. 6/8.

This is Memorial Weekend, a time of remembering our soldiers who gave all. I had read the following in the newspaper, It is the Veteran, not the preacher, who has given us FREEDOM of Religion. It is the Veteran, not the reporter, who has given us FREEDOM of the Press.  It is the Veteran, not the Poet, that has given us FREEDOM of Speech.

On Memorial Day, we are encouraged to fly our American flag.

God bless.

