September 8: Therese Begnoche and her sister, Cecile Demers, met seven Landry cousins, from the Sherbrooke area, at La Brouerie restaurant in Sutton, Quebec for lunch. Everyone enjoyed seeing each other, the delicious food, and lots of practicing their French language. 

September 10: The 500 Card Club met at Linda Van Gieson’s home. She had prepared afternoon snacks and drinks for everyone. Linda and Brent Godin played at the head table for half the afternoon. Brent played for Lois Lumbra, who was scheduled to play in replace of Connie McFarland. Linda had a high score of 3050; the second high was Anita Woodward’s 3040. The most horses went to Marge Cummings (4); Nancy Martinson had a low score of 1090. Linda remarked that it was a wonderful afternoon, and everyone had fun.

Veronica and her friend, Barbara Burns, have been out kayaking during the week.

Saturday, September 14: Our mornings have been cool. Each morning this week, I have removed the crabgrass from the sidewalk frontage and cracks in the sidewalk. The sidewalk, in front of Gila’s, had dried grass and lots of sand-gravel mixture that I had wanted to get cleaned up and I finally did. There was one wheelbarrow full.

Penny and Veronica had been communicating during the week to make weekend plans at Lake Eden. Since they were so close to the Cajun Snack Bar I was invited to accompany them for lunch. It was delicious and then we were off to Lake Eden. The clouds were thick causing it to be overcast, which I liked. As I watched the girls row away in their kayaks soon ‘Mr. Sunshine’ appeared and I took off to a big shade tree. I noticed there were a few people at a table. As I approached a lady said, “Hi Lois.” I was so surprised to find they were from Montgomery. It was Joanne Dennis, her friend Ali Jackson, and son Fin. I enjoyed visiting with them while my girls were out trying to find the turtles again.

Joanne & Ali have inflatable paddle boards that they had been riding on. They sure had a good balance to stand up on those things. Amazing.

The little ducks on the lake are interesting. There were seven that stayed together and one walked around by itself, swam alone, and was friendly. I had an enjoyable afternoon enjoying all the fresh air and nature.

Sunday, September 15: Our Church service was led by Merle Van Gieson, his sermon was entitled “God Is Near.” Vivian Elbe read the Bible verses and Sandy Bowman helped with the Prayers and Concerns. 

In the coolness of the morning, Penny went for a walk with her son, David, and his dog Bella. Penny has been gleaning her garden, picking cherry tomatoes, corn, and shell beans. There is more summer squash coming. We have enjoyed the fresh veggies. Penny likes to keep busy and ended her day cleaning the school bus.

This afternoon proved to be another hot and sunny one.

Coming Event: Vermont Film Maker, Jay Craven will be at the Town Hall, on Saturday, September 21 to present his latest film “Lost Nation.”  It’s a historical fiction set in Vermont during the Revolutionary War time period. The film starts at 7:15 pm, tickets are $10 at the door. Co-Sponsored by Friends of the Library and Montgomery Historical Society.

Happy Birthday to Joy Bosley 9/23; Nancy Combs, Zach Scheffler, Patrick Martell, Adam Brunson, Kristen Baker, Dick Bocian 9/24; Penny Lumbra, John Wilson, Nancy Cousino 9/25;  Heather Mercy, Jacob Baker 9/26; Jonny Walker 9/27;  Linda Van Gieson 9/28.

Chuckles for the Week: 1.) Q: Why was school easier for the cave people? A: Because there was no history to study. 2.) The driver of a school bus was traveling down a street. She/He went through a stop sign then turned left on a No Left Turn, proceeding down a wrong-way street. Why did the school bus driver not break any laws? Because she/he was walking. 3.) Teacher, “Jonny I’ve had to send you to the Principal’s Office every day this week. What do you say for yourself?” Jonny answered, “I’m glad it’s Friday.”

I just finished the ‘News’ for this week, I hope it’s enjoyable and the funnies made you laugh. 

Do you have news to share? If so, please contact me to help get the word out.

Have a nice week. The weather is predicted to be another round of nice warm days.

Love to all…MTL

