MONTGOMERY NEWS, April 1, 2024

­Monday, 3/25: My sister-in-law, Roberta Martin, her daughter Pamela Harris, and my daughter, Veronica DSP, came to my home for an early Easter luncheon before Pamela was scheduled to return to Texas.  Veronica made the dessert of rag-a-muffins with new maple syrup. Pamela came up with her mother on March 19th. Roberta had been in Texas for approximately four months during what normally is the worst part of our Vermont winter. Although the weather hasn’t been all that bad this year there are no complaints from most of us despite the most recent Spring snow storms that have raised some havoc creating muddy conditions on the dirt roads.

Thursday, 3/28: This is Holy Week. John Gorton invited the Montgomery congregation to his church in Sheldon for the Maundy Thursday Service. Sandy Bowman and I went and my niece, Melissa Tice, who lives 10 minutes from the Sheldon church joined us. The service was the Last Supper with tables for everyone to come and gather, with their plate of food that was provided, to sit and eat. The Last Supper story was read by three different readers, and music and prayers. It was a very nice service.

Friday, 3/29: Merle Van Gieson led the Good Friday Service entitled “The Passion Of Our Lord Jesus Christ.” at the Montgomery United Methodist Church at 5 pm. Sandy Bowman and Patrick Evans read the Scriptures. The Passion Story was presented by Merle with Patrick as the voice of Jesus and the congregation.

Saturday, 3/30: Another successful and sunny Montgomery Easter Egg Hunt in the books. The Easter Bunny came to visit with the kids and cheer them on for egg hunting, face painting, egg spoon race, and a sack race. Congratulations to the winners of the games and raffles. Thank you to all who participated in making this another hunt to remember.  Extra special thanks to Izzy’s Balloon Bundles for sponsoring this event, those who donated to the Montgomery Food Pantry and the raffle baskets, and those who generously volunteered to help make this event a success. We were egg-cited to see everyone. Hope you all had a wonderful Easter Sunday.

Sunday, 3/31: HAPPY EASTER!! It has been a beautiful sunny day with a cold northwest wind. Brrrr! Lay speaker John Gorton led our Easter Service, the sermon was entitled “Power Of The Cross.” Following the service Penny and I went out for an Easter Breakfast at Bernie’s Restaurant. The meal was perfect as I have been wanting French Toast and fried potatoes. Penny had the Special and eggs over easy with toast; we were pleasantly filled for the rest of the day.  

This afternoon we went for a ride up North Hill Road to check out the road conditions and we found it muddy in spots. We rode up by the farm where Sonny and his sisters grew up. Penny visited with a person she knew, she and her husband were starting a fire to boil sap. She said they have had a good maple syrup year. There is still snow in their woods up there. Sonny used to tell us that they would be making syrup while across, on the Black Falls side, there would be on bare ground and all the buckets were picked up.

Happy Birthday to Jesse Soule 4/7; Alex St. Onge 4/8; Lyndol Elkins, and Rose Marie Witherspoon 4/9;  Jade Dandurand 4/10; Alan Cennamo, and Melissa Haberman 4/13.

Chuckle of the week:

• A teacher had just given her primary class a lesson on magnets. In a follow up test later, one question read, My name starts with M, has six letters, and I pick up things. What am I ? She was a bit surprised when correcting the test that several of the kids had answered MOTHER.

I’m at the end of my NEWS for this week, and another month has passed us by. There’s a big exciting event heading our way on Monday, April 8th: the Total Eclipse. We all need to be prepared with the proper eyeglasses. M.L.T.A.

