Montgomery News, week of January 21, 2024

by Lois Lumbra

BRRRRRRR!   What a cold Sunday morning. I had 8 above however that north wind needs a coat to warm up. Lay speaker John Gordon led our Church Service today and the sermon was entitled “A Second Time.” Prayers for Rev. Bonnie Hovermann who is in the hospital at Fannie Allen. Thanks to Ed and Judy Sorrell for helping out with her dogs. Our Adm. Board meeting was canceled this Sunday and is rescheduled for next Sunday right after the Church service.

1/17/18: I accompanied Maggie to Enosburg as we both needed a few items. On the 18th, I went with Therese Begnoche and Connie McFarland to the Dairy Center for the monthly dinner that Lise Gates hosts. As usual, there was a large crowd that came, and the one-man band was great. I got to say Hi to many familiar faces. My niece Mellisa Tice came as my guest and we had an enjoyable hour.  While enjoying our dinner we got to talking about when we were growing up, we had to eat what we took on our plates, that seemed to be the rule of most families back 65 years ago or around that time. Connie McFarland told of when her daughter Nancy was young, 3 or 4 years old, she took a donut and later couldn’t eat it all. She knew her father would insist, and after a while, she took the donut and put it in her book she had nearby. Her Dad was told by one of the other children where the donut was. Connie said I think he just let it go, but to this day Nancy does not care for donuts.

I also cannot eat only one cracker at a time while eating soup, as I crushed many crackers in my soup as a young child. It became so thick, I could not eat it. Finally, after three hours sitting there, my Dad gave it to the dog.  Never again did I do that. I want to hear from others, it’s rather funny when we look back, right?

Happy Birthday to Suzanne Bedard, Whitney Nelson, Todd Elkins, and Lynn Locher 1/28; John Kuryloski 1/30:  Jim Cota, Tim Townsend, and Sophia McAllister 1/31. Sue Stryker 2/1; Rohan Hardy 2/2; Emily Smith 2/3.

Anniversary Wishes to Bobby & Aline Baker 2/2

Chuckle of the week, ALL ABOUT WALKING:

• Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time. (quoted).  

• Sometimes I dream I’m walking, which is nice, I get my exercise and rest at the same time.(quoted). • • Short walks can be very romantic, especially if they are taken up the center aisle of a church. (quoted)

This is all at this time. Enjoy and hopefully we can believe the weatherman that it’s going to be warming up again this week. This frigid temp can leave anytime, it is much too cold to enjoy…   signing off with M.L.T.A.   

