Submitted by Lois Lumbra
Last Sunday it was mentioned that John Gorton’s name be posted on the outside Church sign, as he is our new Lay Minister. It was suggested that our local artist Maggie Elkins be asked for the task. The weathered and soiled sign was thoroughly cleaned and lettering from Ace Hardware was purchased. Maggie painted the 6×22 inch board in preparation for the lettering and to include the time of the services. Many thanks from the Church famil
October 30: The Friends of The Montgomery Library held their Annual Writer’s Contest for grades 4-8 with the topic, “If There Were A Secret Passageway, Where Would It Lead?” The writers and their parents met at Pratt Hall on Wednesday evening, where each child read their story. The judges were Darren Drevik, Rebecca Cummings, Claire Draper, and Jesse DuRona who had a challenging role in picking the winners. The winners were, from Grade 4: Amelia Comeau, Ellery O’Shea; Grades 5: Cayden Hartman for first prize, Ella Wirth second prize; Grades 6: Wren Paahaus second prize; Grade 8: Nora Grims first prize, Kaylee Delisle. First prize winners each won $100, second prize winners $50, and all others each received $10. Refreshments of pizza and cider were enjoyed by all. Congratulations to all!
October 31: The Quilting Circle met at Sue Peters’ home, just before noon. bringing our lunch so could chat as we enjoyed our meal. We enjoyed Sue’s handsome dog companion, Zeus, who seemed much improved from being sick. He greets everyone with his wagging tail and gentle bark.
During Show-N-Tell, Sue P. showed a Bargello quilt that was nearly completed. Stacy Gregoire had made 30 drain bags that she donated to the Surgical Hospital in Burlington, Sue P. also showed a beautiful baby quilt. Cindy Gilchrist had completed a block for the new quilt for display.
Sue Cherrier had been gifted boxes of material to the Quilting Circle. It took time for us to look over all the wonderful pieces. The ladies got busy sewing and pressing the finished strips together and 10 blocks were completed by the end of the afternoon.
While working, we enjoyed the fresh air breeze through the open windows on the unusually beautiful Fall day of 70F plus degrees. The November gathering will be held on the 21st at Sue P’s residence and then at Bernie’s Restaurant, at 12 pm, on Friday, December 6th.
October 31: It was finally evening and time for the children to come around to Trick or Treat. Being such a warm evening, we had kids from everywhere, the street was filled for hours. By 8 pm it quieted down and remained warm and breezy. The parents dressed up to bring their children around town. The costumes were so darn cute, the one that took first prize with me was the little girl who had a chicken costume. I love chickens and she was so cute. The kids were all well mannered and were having a good time. It was fun for me to see all the children who were once small and are now teenagers. It’s amazing how fast the years have passed.
November 3: Today our Methodist Church service was prepared and led by Merle van Gieson and his sermon was entitled “Love.” Vivian Elbe read the scripture, Sandy Bowman presented the Joy and Concerns, and Lois helped serve Communion with Merle.
Happy Birthday to Morgan East 11/11; Sue Wilson 11/12; Charlotte Mercy 11/13; Roger Chauvin, and Madison St. Onge 11/15. Anniversary Wishes to Billy & Denise Baker 11/13.
Chuckles of the week: Q: What’s read and lives in an apple? A: A bookworm.
Q: Who did the ghost take on a date? A: His ghoul friend.
Q: How do little pumpkins cross the road? A: With a crossing gourd.
Q: What kind of weather does a turkey like? A: Fowl weather.
Although it’s a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon, the wind is so COLD I did not stay out long!
This is the big week for VOTING.
Have a nice week folks. Love to all, LL