Submitted by Lois Lumbra

Last Monday, September 16, Maggie Elkins and Susie Ewings had company arrive from Delaware. It was their nieces and their families of twelve, (three daughters and their families) all arrived in the Berkshire and Enosburgh area to show their grand kids where their grandmother, Helen Lamoureux, had grown up. They got to see cows up close and personal, a real experience for all of them. While here they also went to Stowe and hiked on a trail that led them to a beautiful waterfalls. The weather was perfect all week to thoroughly enjoy the Vermont countryside. Maggie and Susie prepared a large cookout for the whole family, held at the Ewings’ residence. Many family members stopped by to visit, and took lots of pictures for great memories.

September 16: Sue Peters and I attended the luncheon at the Conference Room where Parma Jewett prepared a luncheon for Senior Citizens that included salads, a variety of Quiche dishes, a fruity ambrosia, and a delicious dessert. Our State Representative Allen, (Penny) Demar, came to let us all know that he was running again to serve our district, and offered to answer our questions while here. There were a few people who asked him questions, then he was invited to join us for the meal. Later in the afternoon, while I was finishing watering the flowers, a car pulled up beside me and I recognized it was Sarah Kennedy who was here in town visiting her sister, Cordelia von Conta. We had a chat before she was on her way, which was very enjoyable and appreciated.

September 17: I had it on my mind to get my hostas cut down as they were weepy and so dry. As I was walking toward the backyard, someone had stopped out near the roadside and came walking into the driveway, calling out my name. It was my sweet sweet friend, Lynda Cluba, stopping in to see how I was doing. It should have been me calling on her as she recently had a serious operation, and is now doing well. We had a warm big loving hug for each other and a short visit.

September 18: I continued cutting down and cleaned up the hostas and lilies around the house resulting in two large wheelbarrows full. Then swept the lawn mowing clippings and the sidewalk.

September 19: My niece, Pamela Harris, was going to St. Albans for errands and offered to come and pick me up. That worked out great for the both of us. Her husband, Scott, and their well behaved dog Bentley accompanied us. We all had a very enjoyable day.

Later, Penny and I were listening to the news when a car drove in the driveway. Penny said, “I think it’s the Sheriff’s car.”  What a wonderful surprise to have Andre & Rosalia LaBier stop by. They wanted to stop in to thank us for their recent Anniversary card we had sent them. We wanted them to come and sit down but they were off, making their visit short and sweet. We saw them at the Enosburg Harvest Fest on Saturday, happy as two peas in a pod. He always has a warm and inviting smile.

September 21: It’s Saturday, our big day out. Before leaving, I picked up the mail for Gila, the Church, and myself and delivered Gila’s mail to her. Upon returning home, I had a quick visit from Joe Vallender and Morgan East.

Penny and I, along with a total of 12 family members, met at Marsha Dudley’s home on School Street in Enosburg Falls to go to the annual Enosburg Harvest Fest. We took off from there to look over all the many vendors’ wares, and later all came back together at Marsha’s home. Around 2 pm, Penny and I wanted to do our weekly grocery shopping at Hannafords so we said our goodbyes with hugs and love to everyone.

Upon our arrival home my nephew, Steve Courville, and his sweetheart Sue dropped by. We invited them in, out of the hot sunshine, to have a visit as it has been quite a while since seeing them last. We had an amazing visit and went over memories that brought us all joy. Steve’s parents had a beautiful camp on the Lake where we usually always had a big family gathering every year. We were saddened to get the news that they are in the process of getting a home in Hickory, N.C. Steve said the winter weather has gotten to him and he wants a warmer climate. We wished them well and hope it’s all they both want, special hugs and our love as they left here. Once they have a concrete date to leave we plan on meeting them at the Lucky Buffet for a nice meal and wish them happy and safe travels.

September 21: Our Sunday Service was prepared and led by layspeaker John Gorton. His sermon was entitled “Women Leading in Wisdom.” We had mostly all new hymns today, at least for the congregation. John is great in leading our hymns. We welcomed a new couple to our service today.

Happy Birthday to Ellen Libby 9/29; Laurie Murphy 9/30; Connor Walker 10/1; Amanda Ryea 10/3; Cole Carpenter, Kaitlin Deuso, 10/4; James Lumbra, and Marshall Hulbert 10/5.

Anniversary Wishes to Cedric & Johanne Lanphear; and Gary & Bobbi Jo Lumbra 9/29

Chuckles for the week:
1.) Q: Why was the computer late for school? A: It had a hard drive. 2.) Q: What animal does not deserve straight A’s in school? A: A Cheetah. 3.) Q: Do buses and trains run on time? A: No, buses run on wheels and trains run on a track.

Hey, do you have news and want to share it? I would enjoy doing it for you. Caring and sharing.

That’s all for now. So I will close off and wish you all another nice week.

Love to all, M.L.T.A.

